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TiVo Series Classifications
about 1 year ago
| Article no. 5836
Resolution Steps
Series 6Our Equipment TiVo User Interface (UI) Equivalent TiVo Model 4K 6 Tuner
(Arris/Pace MG2)Experience 4
4K Bolt VOX N/A Experience 4 Bolt 4K Mini
(Arris/Pace Mi4)Experience 4 TiVo Mini VOX Series 5
Our Equipment TiVo User Interface (UI) Equivalent TiVo Model 6 Tuner (T6) Experience 4
Roamio Plus 6 Tuner (MG1) Experience 4
N/A N/A N/A Roamio Pro N/A N/A Roamio Single Tuner
(Evolution eBox)Experience 4
N/A Mini
(Evolution eBox)Experience 4
N/A Mini
(Arris/Pace Mi3)Experience 4
N/A Series 4.5
Our Equipment TiVo User Interface (UI) Equivalent TiVo Model Mini (2) Experience 4
Mini (2) Series 4
Our Equipment TiVo User Interface (UI) Equivalent TiVo Model 2 Tuner Experience 3
Premiere 4 Tuner Experience 3
Premiere Quad Mini (1) Experience 3
Mini (1) Single Tuner Experience 3
Preview Series 3
Our Equipment TiVo User Interface (UI) Equivalent TiVo Model N/A N/A TiVo HD 180 Hour N/A N/A TiVo HD 300 Hour Identifying your TiVo's Experience
The easiest way to Identify if your TiVo is running Experience 3 or Experience 4 is to press the TiVo button on your remote.
- If you land on a screen called TiVo Central, you are running Experience 3
- If you land on a screen called TiVo Home, you are running Experience 4
Internal Information
Commercial Agent Steps
Financial Agent Steps
Management Steps